个人简介网页:https://ms.jnu.edu.cn/2022/0614/c13310a705513/page- 学历:博士
- 职称:讲师
- 工作单位:暨南大学管理学院
- 邮箱:xielu@jnu.edu.cn
2016/08-2017/08,美国 Arizona State University,联合培养
1. Xie, Lu, Min Zhang, Shengbao Bao. IFRS convergence and international trade: Evidence from China. Accounting and Business Research, forthcoming.
2. Deng, Yingwen, Lu Xie*, Min Zhang, and Yaqian Wu. Beg your pardon? The effect of communication costs on audit quality. Accounting and Business Research, 2021, 51. 6-7, 824–851.
3. Xie, Lu, Min Zhang, Xiuyuan Song, and Lijing Tong. Does internal competition shape bank lending behavior? Evidence from a Chinese bank. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2019, 55, 169–181.
4. Zhai, Shengbao, Lu Xie*, and Sheng Zhang. Bank connections and corporate risk-taking: Evidence from China. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2017, 24.1–2, 183–194.
5. Zhang, Min, Yaosong Liu, Lu Xie, and Tingting Ye. Does the cutoff of “red capital” raise a red flag? Political connections and stock price crash risk. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2017, 39, 89–109.
6. Zhang, Min, Lu Xie*, and Haoran Xu. Corporate philanthropy and stock price crash risk: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, 139, 595–617.
7. 谢露、翟胜宝、童丽静,博彩文化与企业费用粘性,《会计研究》,2021,第5期。
8. 谢露、王欣、张敏,区域竞争与商业银行的盈余质量——基于我国商业银行的经验证据,《金融研究》,2016,第8期。
9. 王超恩、张瑞君、谢露,产融结合、金融发展与企业创新——来自制造业上市公司持股金融机构的经验证据,《研究与发展管理》,2016,第10期。
10. 张敏、谢露、马黎珺,金融生态环境与商业银行的盈余质量——基于我国商业银行的经验证据,《金融研究》,2015,第5期。
11. 翟胜宝、张胜、谢露、郑洁,银行关联与企业风险——基于我国上市公司的经验证据,《管理世界》,2014,第4期。
12. 张雯、谢露、张敏,关联贷款与商业银行的审计师选择——基于我国商业银行的经验证据,《审计研究》,2013,第1期。