
  • 学历:博士
  • 职称:副研究员
  • 工作单位:暨南大学环境学院
  • 邮箱:lei_mai@jnu.edu.cn




博士: 2011.10~2016.9  澳大利亚弗林德斯大学  环境学院  环境健康专业

本科: 2007.9~2011.7  湖南大学  环境科学与工程学院  环境工程专业


2020.12至今             绿色通道副研究员   暨南大学环境学院

2019.102020.11    特聘研究员  暨南大学环境学院  合作导师:曾永平 教授

2016.102019.9      博士后  暨南大学环境学院  合作导师:曾永平 教授



  1. 南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室自主项目重点项目,SML2021SP208,粤港澳大湾区近海海域微塑料生态管控技术研究与应用,2022/01~2024/12359.6万元,在研,主要参与者

  2. 广州市科技计划基础与应用基础青年基金项目,202102020497,环境微塑料上附着的有机物在肠胃模拟液中的释放机制及其生物可利用性,2021/04~2023/035万元,在研,主持

  3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,21936004,微纳塑料与典型有机物的复合污染特征及对典型小动物的生物效应,2020/01~2024/12290万元,在研,主要参与者

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21806053,水环境中疏水性有机物与纳米塑料的相互作用机制,2019/01~2021/1227万元,在研,主持

  5. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动-纵向协同项目,2018030310407,疏水性有机物在纳米塑料上的分配机制及其环境意义,2018/5~2021/410万元,结题,主持


  1. Mai, L., Zeng, E. and Zeng, E.Y.  2022.  Dog poop bags: A non-negligible source of plastic pollution. Environ. Pollut. 292, 118355.

  2. Mai, L., He, H., Bao, L.-J., Liu, L.-Y., Zeng, E. Y.*, Plastics are an insignificant carrier of riverine organic pollutants to the coastal ocean. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54, 15852‒15860.

  3. Mai, L., Sun, X.-F., Xia, L.-L., Bao, L.-J., Liu, L.-Y., Zeng, E. Y.*, Global riverine plastic outflows. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2020, 54, 10049‒10056.

  4. Mai, L., You, S.-N., He, H., Bao, L.-J., Liu, L.-Y., Zeng, E. Y.*, Riverine microplastic pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China: Are modeled estimates accurate? Environ. Sci. Technol.,2019, 53, 11810‒11817.

  5. Mai, L., Bao, L.-J., Shi, L., Liu, L.-Y., Zeng, E. Y.*, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons affiliated with microplastics in surface waters of Bohai and Huanghai Seas, China. Environ. Pollut., 2018, 241, 834‒840.

  6. Mai, L., Bao, L.-J., Shi, L., Wong, C. S., Zeng, E. Y.*, A review of methods for measuring microplastics in aquatic environments. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2018, 25, 11319‒11332.

  7. Mai, L., Akker, B. V. D., Du, J., Kookana, R. S., Fallowfield, H.*, Impact of exogenous organic carbon on the removal of chemicals of concern in the high rate nitrifying trickling filters. Journal of Environ. Manag., 2016, 174, 7‒13.

  8. Mai, L., Akker, B. V. D., Du, J., Kookana, R. S., Fallowfield, H.*, Removal of chemicals of concern by high rate nitrifying trickling filters. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 2016, 91, 3070‒3078.

  9. Mai, L., Lian, Y., Akker, B. V. D., Fallowfield, H.*, Nitrification performance of high rate nitrifying trickling filters at low ammonia concentrations: does the aspect ratio matter? Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 2019, 26, 20520‒20529.

  10.  Zhou, C.-Q., Lu, C.-H., Mai, L., Bao, L.-J., Liu, L.-Y. and Zeng, E.Y.  2021.  Response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots to nanoplastic treatment at seedling stage. J. Hazard. Mater. 401, 123412.

  11.  Yang, G., Gong, M., Mai, L., Zhuang, L. and Zeng, E.Y.  2021.  Diversity and structure of microbial biofilms on microplastics in riverine waters of the Pearl River Delta, China. Chemosphere 272, 129870.

  12.  Dou, P.-C., Mai, L., Bao, L.-J. and Zeng, E.Y.  2021.  Microplastics on beaches and mangrove sediments along the coast of South China. Mar. Pollut. Bullet. 172, 112806.

  13.  Cheng, Y., Mai, L., Lu, X., Li, Z., Guo, Y., Chen, D. and Wang, F.  2021.  Occurrence and Abundance of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) on Microplastics (MPs) in Pearl River Estuary (PRE) Region: Spatial and Temporal Variations. Environ. Pollut., 117025.

  14.  Hale, R. C.*, Seeley, M. E., La Guardia, M. J., Mai, L., Zeng, E. Y., A global perspective on microplastics. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 2020, 125, e2018JC014719.

  15.  Zhang, X.-P., Zhang, Y.-Y., Mai, L., Liu, L.-Y., Bao, L.-J.*, Zeng, E. Y., Selected antibiotics and current-use pesticides in riverine runoff of an urbanized river system in association with anthropogenic stresses. Sci. Total Environ., 2020, 739, 140004.

  16.  Jia, M. M.; Mai, L.; Li, Z. J.; Li, W. B., Air-thermal processing of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 14171‒14179.


  1. Mai, L., Bao, L.-J., Shi, L., Wong, C. S., Zeng, E. Y.*, Chapter 12- Microplastics in the Terrestrial Environment, in book: Microplastic Contamination in Aquatic Environments, Editor: Zeng, E. Y., Elsevier, 2018, 365‒378.

  2.  Liu, L.-Y., Mai, L., Zeng, E. Y.*, Plastic and microplastic pollution: from ocean smog to planetary boundary threats, in book: A New Paradigm for Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Editors: Li, X.-D. and Jiang, G.-B., Springer, 2019, DOI:  10.1007/978-981-13-9447-8_14.

  3. 马旖旎, 麦磊, 季荣, 曾永平, 3-环境中微塑料的生物效应及载体作用.《环境化学前言》, 主编: 江桂斌, 刘维屏, 科学出版社, 2017, 61‒74.

  4. 马旖旎, 陈启晴, 张薇薇, 麦磊, 汪磊, 鞠茂伟, 施华宏, 曾永平, 季荣, 12-环境微塑料的形成、分析、行为及风险管控研究进展. 《环境化学前沿》, 主编: 江桂斌, 郑明辉, 孙红文, 蔡勇, 科学出版社, 2019, 288‒329.

  5. 麦磊, 曾永平, 6-微塑料的河流入海通量. 《环境微塑料概论》, 主编: 曾永平, 科学出版社, 2020, 193212.


Environmental Polllution期刊编委

