
  • 学历:博士研究生
  • 职称:副研究员
  • 工作单位:暨南大学生态学系
  • 邮箱:wq2010@jnu.edu.cn




1999.09-2003.06     安徽师范大学   本科

2003.09-2006.06     暨南大学           硕士

2006.09-2010.01     暨南大学           博士


2010.04-至今          暨南大学生态学系

2016.12-2017.12     英国利物浦大学访问学者



1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,浮游动物在大型海藻龙须菜栽培生态系统食物网和碳循环中的作用及其机制2023-2026

2.  国家自然科学青年基金, “大型海藻规模栽培对桡足类休眠卵形成和萌发的影响及其机理研究2016-2018

3.  广东省自然科学基金面上项目, “基于环境DNA技术的珠江口浮游生物多样性与生态安全研究2022-2024

4.  广东省自然科学基金面上项目, “华南地区蛭态轮虫的物种多样性与环境适应性机理研究(2021-2023)

5.  国家重点研发计划蓝色粮仓科技创新重点专项课题1:南海岛礁大型藻类资源养护与生态增养殖技术集成与示范(2020.10-2022.12),子课题主持.


1.      Wang Q., Yang Y. F., Chen J. F. 2009. Impact of Environment on the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Rotifers in the Tidal Guangzhou Segment of the Pearl River Estuary, China. International Review of Hydrobiology, 94(6): 688-705. 

2.      Wang Q., Feng X. B., Yang Y. F., Yan H. Y. 2011. Spatial and temporal variations of total and methylmercury concentrations in plankton from a mercury-contaminated and eutrophic reservoir in Guizhou Province, China. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(12): 2739-2747.

3.      Wang Q., You W., Li X., Yang Y., Liu L. 2014. Seasonal Changes in the Invertebrate Community of Granular Activated Carbon Filters and Control Technologies. Water Research, 51: 216-227.

4.      Wang Q., Luan L.L., Chen L.D., Yuan D.N., Liu S., Hwang J.X., Yang Y.F. 2016. Recruitment from an egg bank into the plankton in Baisha Bay, a mariculture base in Southern China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 181: 312–318.

5.      Wang Q., Zuo Y., Chen T.F., Zheng W.J., Yang Y.F. 2019. Effects of selenium on antioxidant enzymes and photosynthesis in the edible seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(2): 1303-1310.

6.      Wang Q., Lyu Z., Omar S., Cornell S., Yang Z., Montagnes D.J.S. 2019. Predicting temperature impacts on aquatic productivity: Questioning the metabolic theory of ecology’s “canonical” activation energies. Limnology & Oceanography, 64(3): 1172–1185.

7.      Liang D., Wang Q. *, Wei N., Tang C., Sun X., Yang Y.F. * 2020.Biological indicators of ecological quality in typical urban river-lake ecosystems: the planktonic rotifer community and its response to environmental factors.Ecological Indicators, 112: 106127.

8.      Luo HT, Wang Q*, Liu ZW, Wang SY, Long AM, Yang YF*. 2020. Potential Bioremediation Effects of Seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis on Heavy Metals in Coastal Sediment from a Typical Mariculture Zone. Chemosphere, 245, 125636.

9.      Wang XY, Wang Q*, Yang YF, Yu WB. 2020. Comparison of invertebrate diversity in lake waters and their resting eggs in sediments, as revealed by high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 421, 19.

10.   Yuan D.N., Chen L.D., Luan L.L., Wang Q.*, Yang Y.F. * 2020. Effect of Salinity on the Zooplankton Community in the Pearl River Estuary. Journal of Ocean University of China, 19(6), 1389-1398. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11802-020-4449

11.   Luo HT, Yang YF*, Wang Q*, Wu YJ, He ZL, Yu WB. 2020. Protection of Siganus oramin, rabbitfish, from heavy metal toxicity by the selenium-enriched seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 206: 111183.

12.   Wang Q., Ren H., Yang Y.F.*. 2021. Ecological studies of colonized invertebrate communities on cultivated seaweeds in a typical mariculture zone, China. Marine Ecology, e12681.

13.   Luo H.T., Xie S.G., Dai X.J., Wang Q.*, Yang Y.F.*. 2022. Biomass decomposition and heavy metal release from seaweed litter, Gracilaria lemaneiformis, and secondary pollution evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management, 310, 114729.

14.   Montagnes D.J.S, Wang Q., Lyu Z., Shao C.*. 2022. Evaluating thermal performance of closely related taxa: support for hotter is not better, but for unexpected reasons. Ecological Monographs, 92(3), e1517.

15.   Wang W.B., Yang Y.F. *, Cui Z.B., Chen M.R., Ma X., Wang Q.* 2023. High diversity and strong habitat preference of bdelloid rotifers in the moss and leaf litter from a small area of urban plain and adjacent hill in China. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32: 2769–2789

16.   Wang Q., Wang W.B., Liu L., Tang S.Q., & Yang Y.F. * 2023. Temporal and spatial dynamics of rotifer communities in the Pearl River Delta (China) with emphasis on DNA metabarcoding versus morphology to assess rotifer diversity. Hydrobiologia, 1-14

17.   Zhang R.M., Wang Q., Shen H.T., Yang Y.F., Liu P., & Dong Y.H.* 2024. Environmental benefits of macroalgae products: A case study of agar based on life cycle assessment. Algal Research, 103384.

18.   Weng R.Z., Wang Q.*, Sun X., Liu Z.W., Sun P.Y., Yang Y.F.* 2024. DNA metabarcoding reveals the diversity of smallsized macroalgae ignored by traditional monitoring in a coastal ecosystem. Marine Biology, 171: 59

19.   任辉,田恬,杨宇峰,王庆 2017. 珠江口广州南沙河涌浮游植物群落结构时空变化及其与环境因子的关系. 生态学报, 3722):7729-7740.

20.   龙艾虹,梁迪文,罗洪添,杨宇峰,王庆*2019. 大型海藻龙须菜抽提液对褶皱臂尾轮虫生命表参数的影响.生态学报,397):2583-2590

21.   于文波,王庆*,魏南,梁迪文,杨宇峰,崔宗斌. 2020. 基于DNA条形码技术的浮游动物休眠卵种类鉴定:以洞庭湖流域常德柳叶湖为例。湖泊科学,321):154-163.

22.   李莹,王庆*,魏南,曾悦,崔宗斌,杨宇峰。2020. 蛭态轮虫中国新记录种及其研究展望。水生生物学报,44(2)423-428

23.   汤长宽, 杨宇峰, 罗洪添, 王庆*. 2021. 常德柳叶湖及其连通水体浮游甲壳动物群落结构与水环境特征. 应用与环境生物学报, 27(1): 200-207.

24.   刘璐,梁迪文,杨宇峰,金鼎,叶晓彤,王庆*. 2021. 螺形龟甲轮虫形态结构对环境变化的响应. 中国环境科学,41(11): 5326~5333.

25.     王庆,李莹,汪文博,杨宇峰*2021. 广东省典型生境蛭态轮虫物种多样性及其系统发育研究.中国环境科学, 41(9)4367~4377.

26.     尹天齐,王庆*,杨宇峰,岑竞仪. 2022. 基于形态学和DNA分子鉴定的珠江口浮游动物群落结构比较研究.热带海洋学报,41(3): 172-185.

27.     郭键林,孙显,杨宇峰,王庆*2023. 广西涠洲岛大型海藻场及其邻近海域桡足类群落结构演替特征.热带海洋学报, 42(4): 155-165.

28.     唐诗琴,王庆*,刘璐,杨宇峰. 2023. 基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的水体无脊椎动物多样性研究:以广州海珠湖为例. 湖泊科学,35(4):1443-1456.

29.   王庆, 汪文博, 李莹, 杨宇峰. 2023. 蛭态轮虫广布种污轮虫(Rotaria sordida)的遗传多样性和系统发育关系. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 59(05): 719-728.


1.  2020年度教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖(第五完成人)和广东省科技进步奖二等奖(第五完成人)。

2.  作为广东省农村特派员,参与海水生态增养殖的调研分析和推广活动,提出具有建设性的建议和对策。

3.  Frontiers in Marine Science期刊编委和国内外多个期刊的审稿人。