个人简介网页:https://faculty.jnu.edu.cn/jjxy/wy/list.htm- 学历:博士研究生
- 职称:副教授
- 工作单位:暨南大学经济学院
- 邮箱:jnwy2012@126.com
Wu Y, Su J S, Li K, Sun C W, Comparative study on power efficiency of china'a provincial steel industry and its influencing factors. Energy, 2019, 175: 1009-1020.
Wu Y, Zhu Q W, Zhong L, Zhang T, Energy consumption in the transportation sectors in
China and the United States: A longitudinal comparative study. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2019.
Wu Y, Zhu Q W, Zhu B Z, Decoupling analysis of world economic growth and CO2 emissions: A study comparing developed and developing countries. Journal of clean production, 2018, 190: 94-103.
Wu Y, Zhu Q W, Zhu B Z, Comparisons of decoupling trends of global economic growth and energy consumption between developed and developing countries. Energy Policy, 2018, 116(5): 30-38.
Wu Y, Zhang L. Evaluation of energy saving effects of tiered electricity pricing and investigation of the energy saving willingness of residents. Energy policy, 2017, 109(10): 208-217.
Wu Y, Zhang L. Can the development of electric vehicles reduce the emission of air pollutants and greenhouse gases in developing countries? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2017, 51(3): 129–145.
Wu Y, Zhang W Y. The driving factors behind coal demand in China from 1997 to 2012: An empirical study of input-output structural decomposition analysis. Energy Policy, 2016, 95(8): 126–134.
伍亚. 能源技术进步对石油需求及节油减排潜力的影响——基于多因素视角的研究. 科技管理研究. 2016(5): 199-203.
伍亚, 张立. 阶梯电价政策的居民节能意愿与节能效果评估——基于广东案例的研究. 财经论丛, 2015(9): 98-104.
伍亚, 李今平, 张立.阶梯电价节能效果的差异性分析——基于广东省调查数据的分析. 价格理论与实践, 2015(7): 31-33.
伍亚, 张立. 省际工业部门全要素电力能源效率与节电潜力研究. 经济问题探索. 2013 (11): 61-67.
Lin B Q, Wu Y, Zhang L. Energy saving potential of the power generation industry in China. Energy, 2012, 40(1): 307-316.
Lin B Q, Zhang L, WuY. Evaluation of electricity saving potential in China’s chemical industry based on co-integration. Energy Policy, 2012, 44(6): 320-330.
Lin B Q, Wu Y, Zhang L. Estimates of the potential for energy conservation in the Chinese steel industry. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(6): 3680-3689.
林伯强, 张立, 伍亚. 国内需求、技术进步和进出口贸易对中国电力消费增长的影响分析. 世界经济, 2011(10): 146-162.
伍亚, 张立. 中国经济发展中能源需求增长的驱动因素研究. 经济问题探索, 2011(12): 7-14.
伍亚, 张立. 中美能源消费增长的驱动因素比较研究. 亚太经济, 2011 (6): 88-92.
伍亚, 张立. 中国成品油需求增长的驱动因素研究. 商业研究, 2011(11): 46-51.
伍亚,能源需求和碳排放:驱动因素与政策选择, 2014年, 经济管理出版社.
[2]教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目,新能源汽车的消费行为:影响因素与政策激励,主持, 在研.
[3]广东自然科学基金博士启动项目,电动汽车产业环境效益、充电站运营模式及政策支持研究,主持, 已结题.
[4]社科中央科研业务费专项资金,居民阶梯电价的机制设计与政策运行影响,主持, 已结题.